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Raspberry Pi Email Server Part 5: Spam Sorting with LMTP & Sieve

Submitted by Sam Hobbs on

This is the fifth and final part of a five part tutorial that will show you how to install a full featured email server on your Raspberry Pi. This tutorial covers how to automatically sort spam emails into the spam folder using Dovecot’s Local Mail Transfer Protocol (LMTP) and Sieve rules.

The parts are:

The Introduction & Contents Page (read first)

Raspberry Pi Email Server Part 1: Postfix

Raspberry Pi Email Server Part 2: Dovecot

Raspberry Pi Email Server Part 3: Squirrelmail

Raspberry Pi Email Server Part 4: Spam Detection with Spamassassin

Raspberry Pi Email Server Part 5: Spam Sorting with LMTP & Sieve


If you followed the previous tutorial, you currently have an email server that automatically scans incoming emails using Spamassassin. However, in its current state, Spam and Ham alike are delivered to the inbox, which is annoying. Since Spamassassin only marks emails based on their spam score, we need to use an external program to handle sorting & delivery.

Easier SSH connections from Ubuntu Linux

Submitted by Sam Hobbs on

ssh.png If you’re a Linux user and you often log in to remote machines or servers, then this tutorial may save you some time. It’s a tip that user Oshunluvr from kubuntuforums.net showed me a few months ago. I’ve been using it ever since. It will allow you to log into machines with SSH servers on custom ports, with a specified username, by typing:

ssh domain.com

Instead of:

ssh user@domain.com -p 1234

How to Install WordPress on a Raspberry Pi

Submitted by Sam Hobbs on

WordPress on Raspberry Pi This tutorial will show you how to take a vanilla Raspbian image and turn it into a HTTP server hosting one or more WordPress website. I’ve previously written a few bits and pieces about WordPress, but I’ve never actually covered how to install it on a Raspberry Pi until now. This was one of the first things I did with my Pi, so I’m going to assume you know very little and try to be as detailed as possible. The actual WordPress bit is very quick and easy once the ground work is done: wordpress.org has a 5 minute installation guide, but it doesn’t tell you how to do the difficult bits! This tutorial will cover everything you need, from the ground up.

Raspberry Pi Server Preparation

Submitted by Sam Hobbs on

Raspberry Pi Server This post is essentially a list of changes to the Pi’s default configuration that I would recommend you make before you start using the Pi as a server. These apply regardless of whether you want to use it as a mail server, an Owncloud machine, or a web server running something like WordPress. I’ll run you through the steps, starting with burning Raspbian to an SD card.

Webalizer: a Free, Open Source Alternative to Google Analytics for Raspberry Pi

Submitted by Sam Hobbs on

webalizer.png Google Analytics is everywhere. Seriously, everywhere. So much so that Google probably has a complete record of you hopping from site to site during your normal browsing, information that happens to be both extremely valuable to them and a pretty serious invasion of your privacy.

Fix for Ethernet Connection Drop on Raspberry Pi

Submitted by Sam Hobbs on


The Problem

Today an engineer from BT was fiddling with the junction box outside my house, and my modem dropped connection to my router. At the time, the router did not automatically force reconnect (my fault, I hadn’t configured it to do so). When I noticed what had happened, I reconnected to the modem. So far so good. A couple of hours later, I noticed that two of my three Pi (all of which are connected with ethernet cables) had not reconnected to the router. The one that did reconnect is running Raspbmc (XBMC port to Raspberry Pi); the two that did not are running Apache with some bits on top (a mail server, owncloud, and wordpress for this website!). This is a pain because not only did it take the services offline, but I was unable to SSH to the Pi to correct the problem. Removing and reconnecting the ethernet cables did not work, so in the end I had to pull the power and reboot.